
Helping the children and people of the Philippines is a passion for TenPercentDown Founder and President Chuck Salisbury.

His Salisbury Foundation is aimed at helping disadvantaged youth receive food, clothing, shelter, medical help and education.

“Today, I ask for your immediate help for a few safety and personal needs for a few of my students,” Salisbury said. “I can’t afford to delay their needs any further.

“I hope that you can provide the few dollars needed to keep them safe.”

Salisbury continues…

“Juvy Segovia is a student in Davao, Philippines that also has a serious health issue. Juvy has liver stones which is not serious here but is life threatening in the Philippines because people can’t afford medical care or medicine. The medicine cost is only $50 a week and she has to take it another two weeks minimum. Without medicine she will die. I know that from personal experience because I lost one young student earlier this year in Manila because I didn’t take this problem seriously. When your liver shuts down your blood becomes dirty and it is a painful death. So, can you help her with this immediate need.

Charry Mae Dunaluaron is now 18 and was a student living with her sister, but had to leave that home for personal safety reasons. She contacted me by email and told me that she was now on the street, so I provided her money to get a room in a boarding house and some food. She wants to start a business to sell food to local workers and make enough to live. The cost to start that business is about $200. Hopefully, she can find time to go back to school.

Jessibel Dablio is also one of my students who was kicked out of her family home and lives on the street now. Living on the streets is very dangerous. I sent a little money for food but she also needs a room in a boarding house. A room is about $50 a month, but I need to send her enough for a bus ticket to join Charry Mae so they can be together and build a small food business together.

May Ritual is a senior in q Manila high school. She lives with her mother, 2-years-old sister, and 6-years-old brother. The brother has asthma and has trouble breathing often. The mother has no work so I have been helping the family. Any amount for money to buy food would be a blessing to this wonderful family.

The need is so great and the people of the Philippines are our friends for many years. Thank you for reading my appeal and I hope you will pray about this.”

To find out how you can help these youth directly and get involved with the Salisbury Foundation, e-mail Chuck(@)TenPercentDown.com.

Nothing lifts the spirits like receiving something from the home front. – Chaplain Michael Tomlinson 

This from Christian Newswire:

DENVER – Online care package provider Treats for Troops (http://www.treatsfortroops.com/) has teamed up with chaplains and officers from deployed units serving our country to get packages and messages of support into the hands of soldiers who seldom receive mail from home.

Chaplain Michael Tomlinson, who serves with the 1st Battalion, Second Marines Regiment in Iraq, says, “Nothing lifts the spirits like receiving something from the home front. The people who send packages through Treats for Troops help me see that no one is forgotten. Words cannot express how much this means.”

With over a thousand Marines on the front lines under his care, Chaplain Tomlinson is responsible for one of the largest groups Treats for Troops represents. “We have groups and units of all sizes registered for support,” says Unit Support program head Lisa Baron. “The chaplains and officers registered with us make sure the packages people send go to the soldiers most in need.”

The company’s Denver warehouse is filled with holiday packages designed to be shared, including six-packs of phone cards and filled Christmas stockings, holiday feasts for four, eight or more, collections of electronic games and much more. There’s even a Christmas tree that arrives ready to decorate with ornaments, battery powered lights and instant “snow.”

The slumping economy has taken its toll on troop support programs. According to Treats for Troops founder Deborah Crane, the number of packages being sent to the troops has fallen to an all-time low, while the number of homesick soldiers hoping to receive a package is at an all-time high.

A quick link on Treats for Troops’ Web site lets you have a package sent to one of several different unit representatives.

You can also choose to sponsor an individual soldier through Treats for Troops. You can select your soldier by home state, branch of service, gender or area of deployment. Many soldiers have created online profiles to help make shopping for them easier.

Whether you choose group support or prefer to sponsor an individual solider, you have the opportunity to create a personal message to go with your package, and get a personal thank you back from your soldier.

For more information on how to send a holiday support package to our troops, visit http://www.treatsfortroops.com/.

We all need to know and feel that we are loved, and that is especially true when you live and work in a combat zone.Chaplain Kari Maschhoff

This from the Christian Examiner:

Home sweet home: Chaplain uses cookies to reach out

By John Hall — ABP

BAGHDAD — For American military personnel serving in Iraq, there’s nothing like a taste of home—literally.

Soldiers are finding comfort in a coffeehouse that provides homemade cookies run by a Baptist General Convention of Texas-endorsed chaplain, Kari Maschhoff.

“Our service members need a place they can know and feel that they are cared about,” said Maschhoff, a San Antonio resident. “The chaplain coffeehouse is for them. It is about taking care of our service members. The mission of our unit demands a lot of them. They need a place where they can receive some care back.

“What we offer is quite simple really: fresh coffee, hot water for tea or cocoa, a table of miscellaneous snacks and plate of homemade cookies. The comments we get from the service members are that it feels a little bit like home.”

Maschhoff makes some of the cookies for the 24-hour coffee shop with an Easy-Bake toy oven, which wafts a pleasant aroma throughout the area. Some baked goods are mailed to the chaplain from people who want to support the troops.

The coffee and cookies serve as more than reminders of home for service men and women—they are an avenue of connection, where troops can share with the chaplain about issues in their lives.

“The outreach connects our service members with people back home who want to show their support of our men and women in uniform by baking something special just for them,” she said. “The outreach also draws in service members who might not otherwise come to see the chaplain. It is much easier to say to your leadership or buddies, ‘I need a cup of coffee,’ than ‘I am having problems at home and need to talk to the chaplain.’

“The outreach is an informal way to bring in service members so we can offer a little chaplain loving care. We all need to know and feel that we are loved, and that is especially true when you live and work in a combat zone. Through the outreach, our hope is that the service members know that people back home care about them and are praying for them, that the chaplain team cares for them, and most importantly, that God cares for them and will never forget them.”

For more information on how to send cookies, call 1-888-244-9400.

Giving to World Vision’s Emergency Aid

World Vision is airlifting emergency supplies to survivors of the devastating cyclone that struck Myanmar over the weekend. The death toll from cyclone that battered Myanmar is estimated to be 100,000. Thousands are reported missing.

Thousands more have been left homeless and desperately need food, shelter, and fresh, clean water.

World Vision is delivering emergency supplies to the children and families who’ve lost their homes in the cyclone. Your gift today will enable us to speed critical aid to the survivors. Some of the most important items include:

• Emergency food
• Survival kits
• Water purifiers
• Tarps and shelters
• Mosquito nets for survivors

Go to World Vision now!

Looking for a lift? How about reading a devotional? Please visit Alexander…my site about devotionals, books, and the Word…

Ready to give a gift? Give the gift of God’s word to someone by taking a look at Alexander. You’ll find books and devotionals that just might be exactly what someone needs.

Go to Alexander now!

He has risen! – Mark 16:6
Child in World Vision photo
World Vision is an incredible ministry serving much of the impoverished world at all times including times of disaster.

This from World Vision:

Celebrate God’s love this Easter and honor a loved one with a gift to bring hope and new life to children and families in need.

Select from our top Easter items, such as goats to nourish families, Bibles to feed spirits, food for hungry children, water to bring life, or two chickens to provide lasting income.

Or visit www.worldvisiongifts.org to choose from more than 100 unique gifts.

Sometimes it sounds so cliche to hear someone say, “Out of tragedy, good can come.” This story out of Alabama about how Rick Burgess took his son’s sudden death, asked God why, and almost instantly knew exactly what to do shatters any doubt.

Bronner Burgess’ death, happening only days ago, has already impacted thousands of lives…and remakably, his father shows us how.

Read the story, watch the video, or do both…words are not enough.

This from Baptist Press:

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. –The impact of 2-year-old Bronner Burgess’ death is already being felt throughout the nation as his family and friends use the opportunity to tell others about the uncertainty of life and the assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ, his father, Rick Burgess, said at a memorial service Jan. 22.

“If you sit here today, the biggest injustice you can do our family, the biggest injustice you can do our Savior, the biggest injustice you can do for our baby, is to leave here unchanged, to continue to be apathetic, weak, ineffective believers of Christ,” Burgess, of the talk radio duo “Rick and Bubba,” said at Shades Mountain Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala.

Bronner died Jan. 19 when he fell into a swimming pool at his family’s home. Burgess was speaking at a Christian conference in Tennessee when he got “the most horrible news a father could ever receive.”

“The minute this happened, I knew what God wanted me to do,” Burgess recounted to about 4,000 people at the service. “I don’t say that because of any pride in my flesh. I’m saying that because I walk with Him, I pray with Him, I talk to Him, and when I tell Him I would be ready and then He says, ‘Are you ready?’ I didn’t want to say, ‘Well, no. I’m caught off guard by this.’ He wasn’t wringing His hands about it, and I wasn’t either.” …more

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Mesquite: Students spend holidays collecting bikes for Ghana schoolThis from The Dallas Morning News:

Dallas Christian School students collect bicycles for W. African children


Eighteen-year-old Logan Brock and her parents and three sisters got nothing in their stockings, but they’ll still tell you this was their best Christmas ever.

Rather than exchange presents, the Rowlett family joined a drive by Dallas Christian School students to provide bicycles to the children of a West African village who walk up to 12 miles to school.

“It was weird getting up on Christmas morning with nothing under our tree, but it’s amazing how much I feel like I have received just by giving,” Logan said of the student-led initiative.

As she and other students return to the Mesquite campus today after the holiday break, they will still be looking forward to providing Christmas gifts for more than 300 children at the Ateiku Church of Christ International School in Ghana. About 350 new and used bicycles, plus other supplies, wait at a North Dallas warehouse for shipment within the next week.

And if Dallas Christian can raise a few thousand dollars more for shipping, it will send a used bus as well…

Read Full Story

Found a gem of an idea at GiveUpOne.

Here’s what they have to say…be sure to visit!

What would this Christmas season look like if massive numbers of people gave up just ONE Christmas present and decided instead to give a gift to someone more in need? This is the idea of GiveUpOne. Will you accept the challenge? Just GiveUpOne.

Here’s some stats to wake us up!

The National Retail Federation is forecasting that Americans will spend approximately $474.5 billion at Christmas in 2007.

Read more here: NRF Site

Americans spend:
$18 billion on makeup
$15 billion on perfume
$17 Billion on pet food

It would cost:
$5 Billion to eliminate illiteracy worldwide
$10 Billion to solve the water crisis for everyone in the world
$19 Billion to eliminate hunger worldwide

Is there anything you can do about this?


Just GiveUpOne – go there now!

This from The Christian Post:

Megachurch to Host Global AIDS Summit

By Michelle Vu

Saddleback Church, home of ”Purpose Driven“ Pastor Rick Warren, is set to open its third annual Global Summit on AIDS and the Church on Wednesday.

More than 2,000 people are expected to attend the Nov 28-30 summit featuring more than 50 global keynote speakers and informative sessions led by experts in business, government, medicine, non-profits and ministry working locally and globally in the battle against AIDS.

“The HIV/AIDS pandemic is so large that it can’t be stopped without the combined efforts of leadership in the public, private/profit and faith sectors,” stated Kay Warren, wife of Rick Warren and the person who launched the HIV/AIDS Initiative at Saddleback Church in 2003.

The popular husband and wife team has emphasized their belief that the Christian Church is the only truly global organization “existing in every country and in thousands of indigenous people groups that are not represented by the Untied Nations or any multi-national corporation.”

Some 2.3 billion people who profess to be followers of Christ make Christianity the largest organization, widest network and biggest volunteer force on the planet, the Warrens pointed out.

In response, the Global Summit on AIDS and the Church – the only global HIV/AIDS conference built entirely around a grassroots church-based strategy – was designed to mobilize millions of congregations around the world to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS.

For three days, workshops will address topics such as orphans and vulnerable children, justice issues, HIV in Russia, HIV in China, HIV in the United States, HIV in resource-limited settings, and accessing government resources.

Presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) is scheduled to speak at the Global Summit on Thursday. Meanwhile, a video message will be shown from at least three of the other candidates from both parties during the same session.

A new feature at this year gathering is the first-annual Youth Summit on AIDS to be held on Saturday, Dec. 1 (World AIDS Day). The youth summit aims to prompt students to care for those with HIV and strengthen their knowledge, engage their abilities, and maximize their potential to assist to end the global pandemic.

Jenna Bush, First Daughter of President George W. Bush and author of “Ana’s Story,” will be among the featured speakers at the Youth Summit. Others include Shaun Blakeney, high school pastor at Saddleback; John Thomas, senior pastor of Fish Hoek Baptist Church in South Africa; and Francis Chan, teaching pastor at Cornerstone Community Church.

There are 33.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS, including 18 million women and children living with HIV/AIDS, according to UNAIDS/WHO.

The Saddleback HIV/AIDS initiative is a key part of the P.E.A.C.E. plan, an overarching humanitarian strategy launched three years ago. This worldwide effort is to mobilize 1 billion church members to Promote reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick, and Educate the next generation.


HIV/AIDS Initiative
Saddleback Church
1 Saddleback Pkwy.
Lake Forest, CA 92630

(949) 609-8555

Elizabeth Styffe, director, HIV/AIDS Initiative: elizabeths@saddleback.net